The VTC’s Activities During the COVID-19 Pandemic.

As the number of COVID-19 cases increased in Indonesia, the government has mandated the closure of public facilities including schools. It began in March and still continues until further notice. YUM’s management team decided to also close all of the activities involving a gathering of people, like the community library, afternoon tutoring activities and of course, the Vocational Training Centre (VTC). This action was taken to help slow down the spreading of the virus. 

Nevertheless, YUM remains committed to those we serve in the communities of West Java and Central Kalimantan. As soon as the numbers increased in Indonesia, our first response was to spread information through Whatsapp groups, social media as well banners, posters, and flyers, about the danger of COVID-19 and how to prevent the spread of disease. Not long after that, after receiving support from all our donors, including the Priscilla Hall Memorial Foundation, YUM distributed masks, soap, hand sanitizer, and food packages to our beneficiaries as well as many more families in the community. YUM is working with the local village heads and community leaders to target which families are most in need of support. To this day, we have reached more than 4,000 families in West Java and Central Kalimantan.

The VTC team regularly updates information about COVID-19 and other matters related to the VTC on our social media. We try to keep in touch with our students and alumni. Together with other project staff, the VTC team is also part of the task force for COVID-19 response. They are not only distributing the packages to VTC students but also to other community members in the area. They also went directly to the traditional market, bus terminal, and street vendors as these informal workers are those who cannot afford to stop working and therefore need the necessary protection on a daily basis. In the future, the VTC team will continue to adjust their activities with YUM’s current project related to the COVID-19 response. 

That is all from us now, we will continue to update you about the VTC’s current situation. Thank you to everyone at Priscilla Hall Memorial Foundation for your continuous support for the VTC in Cipanas during this period. We realize that this is a difficult time for everyone. Let’s stay together and united we can overcome this. 

Last, but not least, we wish you and everyone good health and good spirits always.