This memorial website was created in the memory of our much loved daughter, sister and friend, Priscilla Hall who was born in Glen Innes, NSW Australia on April 13, 1968 and passed away on June 20, 2004 at the age of 36. Priscilla we will remember you forever.
“Live, Laugh and Love
Life is about the Journey”
The following eulogies were read by Priscilla’s brothers Jamie and Stewart at her funeral in Glen Innes.
Born 13th April 1968 – Died 20th June 2004
Priscilla would be deeply moved at the wonderful support the Glen Innes community has shown to her family at this time. It was here in Glen Innes in 1968 that Priscilla Jane Lydia Hall came into the world. One of a number of baby girls born in the district in the late 1960’s with a non-conventional, adventurous attitude to life that was sometimes contradictory to the country environment in which she arrived. It was her extraordinary approach to life that provided such joy to all who had the privilege of witnessing Priscilla’s childhood years spent in Glen Innes with her special friends. Priscilla would also be deeply moved by the enormous effort her close friends and family have made to be here today. People have come as far away as Sydney, Brisbane, The Northern Territory, Jakarta and Singapore. Words cannot express the comfort that their just being here has given to the family.
Priscilla had an amazing passion for life. A carefree and adventurous spirit who lived every day as if it would be her last. Life was not approached with caution nor hesitancy, but with enthusiasm, brightness, zaniness, interest and love. Every moment was savoured and appreciated, every person met of genuine interest to her, and every opportunity seized. Priscilla lived for the moment and recognised and valued all the wonderful things in her own life and those of her family and friends. It was this ability to live life now and appreciate the moment that will be her enduring legacy for my brothers and I.
It was not in Priscilla’s nature to worry about next month’s mortgage payment or where her career may be taking her. There were many times during her life that Priscilla would not have known what she would be doing next week, let alone next year. This carefree spirit was just one of the many attributes that made being involved in her life so exciting and no matter where she was in the world always a topic of conversation amongst family and friends. Despite what a conservative older brother would sometimes perceive to be a lack of planning in her life, I would never worry for her future. Priscilla was a very intelligent and confident woman who could turn her hand to anything she put her mind to. This confidence was founded on the love and security that was provided by Mum and Dad. No matter where she was or what she was doing Priscilla always knew that there was a sanctuary called ‘Yarranlea’, where she could retreat to chill, relax, reflect or just buzz around enjoying New England life. There was a father there who just thought this girl was the most wonderful, talented, special daughter in the world and a Mother who was her best friend and confidante. The love and devotion bestowed upon Priscilla during her life from Mum and Dad was reciprocated in many ways, one of which was the most capable and competent support that Priscilla provided in our travel business, not only when she was working full-time in Armidale, but also when she was at university or just at home on holidays.
Priscilla was a special part of the lives of all her brothers and we each hold special memories living close by to her in either Glen Innes, Armidale, Sydney, London or Jakarta that will live on through each of her brother’s four families. Each of us were fortunate that there were periods of time where she was a major part of our daily lives. For me this time was when Priscilla lived and worked in London during the early 1990’s. We were able to enjoy an English Christmas with the entire family in Cornwall in 1990, a week’s holiday in the Greek islands in 1991 with all her siblings and Priscilla, in her own inimitable style, organised my 30th Birthday that same year. Not to mention that seeing her every day and just hanging out together was a pure joy. In London Priscilla quickly started work in the travel industry and her time in London was interspersed with many adventures with frequent travels to Europe and New York. Our friends in London immediately warmed to Priscilla upon meeting her, as did people everywhere who met her. Any social event Priscilla was included and she could more than hold her own in any company, always bright, bubbly and cheerful. At the same time Priscilla introduced people and different aspects of London life to me that I would not otherwise have experienced.
For Stewart this special time was the last 2 ½ years that Priscilla spent living and working in Jakarta. Stewart and Melanie were fortunate to share in her hectic daily life, and enjoyed with her the wide and diverse circle of friends and social activities that she so effortless established. They witnessed her blossoming into an even more vibrant and stylish young woman who embraced the world of design and property with such aplomb. Their children were blessed to have their wonderful aunty so involved in their young lives.
For Cameron and Andrew this special time was when they worked with Priscilla in the Family Travel business in Armidale, where Priscilla was much respected in the local community. There were the inevitable sibling plays for family pecking order regarding who was actually running the show but Priscilla Hall was definitely the governor. Priscilla was the consummate free spirit who easily mixed her loved of intrepid travel with that of the travel industry. On one such occasion Priscilla ventured to Nepal on a trekking expedition. On returning to Armidale Priscilla passionately presented her Nepal adventure to an enthralled and packed Armidale Art Gallery including one very proud father and brother in Cameron. Our Priscilla, always travelling, always loving the world.
Priscilla was one of life’s great conversationalists. Always intensely interested in other people whoever and wherever she met them. Each conversation with Priscilla was an experience in itself characterized by extravagant compliments, thought, humour, openness and a genuine desire to discover more about the people in the different countries and cultures in which she lived and worked. Any person that Priscilla came into contact with would receive the “Priscilla treatment” that made any interaction with her such a unique “feel good” experience. As a frequent recipient of that treatment whenever I saw her I can appreciate how anyone who met her would feel enriched by her company. When you see your little sister for the first time for some period of time and she hits you with “Wow, James you’re looking fantastic!”, irrespective of reality it always made me feel pretty good.
I have heard the term “Priscilla style” life referred to and it is an apt description of the way she lived. Growing up we referred to Priscilla as “honkies”, a nickname that epitomised her style – funky, hippy, chatty, irreverent and bold. Yet Priscilla was a most caring and loyal person for her family and many friends. At particular times during my life Priscilla has provided me with thoughtful, incisive advise that I value greatly. She was a wonderful communicator with all the family and had an innate ability to provide perspective on issues of family, relationships and life. All her brothers and Mum & Dad enjoyed many D & M’s with Priscilla over the years.
And what a beautiful Aunty Priscilla was to Oliver, Patrick, Daniel, Thomas, Jasper, Lachlan, Macey, and Ben. Every birthday and Christmas was carefully planned to arrange suitable presents for the children who she loved and adored as if they were her own. The trampoline that sits in the garden at “Yarranlea” is a classic Priscilla Hall” present for the children that will be used and enjoyed by them for many years to come. The spirit of Priscilla will always endure in the lives of our children.
All of our family are extremely proud of our precious daughter and sister. In everything she did in her life it was approached with a passion and determination to succeed, to continually learn, to experience all the world had to offer, and to tackle any new opportunities or challenges in life with boldness and optimism. Priscilla will be greatly missed, but always remembered for the brightness and happiness she brought into our lives. The memories of Priscilla and her spirit will live forever in all of us.
Our words today will not fully articulate nor will they do justice to what Priscilla meant to us, however I know all of us in our hearts and minds, appreciate and understand the very unique and special person that Priscilla was. There truly was only one Priscilla Hall.
I was blessed the past few years to have Priscilla join myself, Melanie and the family in Jakarta. For us it was a very special time. Daniel, at then aged 2, christened Priscilla, Aunty La La, and that is how she was known at our house. Aunty La La was indeed a fantastic Aunty. We all know how she engaged and treated people so you can imagine how she was as an Aunty. She gave them so much love but even more, she gave them so much fun and laughter. The whole house lifted to new levels of loudness, laughter and chaos when Aunty La La walked through the door.
Also with Aunty LaLa’s arrival, that early night you were planning always became a late one, chatting over a drink or when it was just the girls, Priscilla, Melanie and other girlfriends, I would inevitably be woken late in the night, usually well past midnight, to the sounds of music, singing and laughter as the girls danced away downstairs.
Aunty LaLa was there when Macy was born. Aunty LaLa and Moo Moo, as Macy is known, quickly formed a wonderful bond and used to have their own special giggle sessions. I dreaded to think what adventures of discovery Priscilla was going to take my little girl on in the future but I knew that Macy would have enjoyed every second of it. Appropriately, Aunty LaLa was the Godmother of Jasper. For those that know Jasper you will know why I say that and the rest will understand when they meet little Boo Boo. Of everyone Jasper is so like Priscilla and has so many of Priscilla’s traits and qualities that I am very grateful for. Daniel the eldest. No cute little names for Daniel. He was for us and Priscilla our little rock. Aunty LaLa was continually amazed by her handsome, self-assured little Daniel. She was such a proud Aunty at Daniel’s graduation the last Friday especially as Daniel was chosen from his class for the key role as candle bearer.
Priscilla flourished in the environment that was Indonesia. It presented so many challenges, opportunities, a cosmopolitan lifestyle, loads of adventure and travel, plenty of excitement and above all a wealth of interesting and diverse people to meet. Priscilla grasped all that was on offer with her usual energy and vitality.
As it was, Priscilla’s social circle grew quickly. A lot of my friends became very good friends of hers and she ended up seeing far more of Indonesia than I have and possibly ever will.
Priscilla used to tell Melanie and others how proud she was of me, her big brother, the family I had, the job I had, the person I was, however that paled into insignificance as to how proud I was of her as my sister. Nothing gave me more joy and pleasure than being out with Priscilla or running into her around Jakarta. She was always sparkling in the room and whenever I introduced her to someone new she made such an impact and was so engaging. I always got a comment as to what a great girl my sister is. As with Mum, I was always proud to be in a crowd and introduce this vibrant girl as my sister.
Priscilla did have a balance to her life. Through the years she was very successful in various roles and that was no different in Jakarta. She was an integral part of Melanie’s design business and effectively ran and managed my property portfolio including all the complicated legal work. She was very much our right hand and in this area we will be struggling without her.
This time in Jakarta allowed Priscilla to unleash even more of her inner self and over the past few years we as a family have seen her evolve into the wonderful mature women that she became.
The past few months I have never seen Priscilla so content and full of life. She was so fit, happy, confident, self-assured, and above all, very much in love. We take a lot of comfort that she was very much at the top of her game. We all liked Will and he clearly made Priscilla happy. How ironic that not only did he go to Churchie but he was in Gerald house like Dad and all of us boys. We are all comforted knowing he was and is with Priscilla.
Finally, there is for all of us, a lot to be learnt from how Priscilla approached life. Her enduring legacy for me is exactly that, being her approach to life, her appreciation and enjoyment of life but above all her love of the people that fill the world and make the world the wonderful place it is, to be cherished and appreciated.
Priscilla will live on in each and every one of us through our fond memories, our words, and our actions that now in many ways will no doubt be influenced by Priscilla and the person she was. How fortunate we all were to be blessed by such a wonderful person.
Priscilla you will always be with us. Rest in peace.
Tributes and Condolences
Eulogy for Priscilla Jane Lydia Hall
Saturday 17 July 2004 – Jakarta Memorial Service
Born 13th April 1968 – Died 20th June 2004
The Hall Family reaches out today and embraces all Priscilla’s friends in Jakarta. We thank you for the most tremendous love and support bestowed upon us. Your compassion and friendship is gratefully received and so warmly appreciated. Priscilla would be so deeply moved by the wonderful support her Jakarta friends have been to her family at this time.
Priscilla, our groovy sister, loving daughter and wonderful friend, will live on in our hearts forever. Priscilla you were affectionately known by your brothers as HONKIES, you being the most unique of individuals amongst four burly brothers.
Mum and Dad, James, Stewart, Andrew & I love you very much. In many ways as the only girl, you held us all together and reminded us of how lucky we are to have one another. That is your legacy to us, that we continue your brilliant lead of consideration, communication, sincerity and love amongst our family.
Today is yet another example of how many people you have touched in your life. You packed heaps into a fabulous life including your passion for intrepid travel and meeting new and diverse people. I have had the pleasure of meeting many of your Jakarta mates and they are certainly Priscilla type people, cool, groovy, liberal, friendly, and uninhibited and of course they are all good talkers!
Priscilla, I was so pleased that you found Jakarta. Here you were able to live your life as a carefree spirit and although you were taken from us far, far too early, you had an awesome, awesome life.
As I look back talking with your family and friends, you achieved so much in your 36 years. Priscilla you travelled the globe and you engaged so many great friends.
I am so proud of your get up and go attitude. You are an inspiration to us all. We had our moments together, in the early years, me being the protective big brother and later working in the family businesses in Glen Innes and Armidale. I admire your professional and personal achievements. My little sister so at ease in the corporate and business world or conversing deeply with the Byron Bay hippy set.
You left no stone unturned. You developed from a girl into an exceptional, mature and beautiful woman, taking on the world. I am so pleased that you were on the top of your game in health, spirit and in love. Will was a good bloke and I am so glad that you found each other. Knowing this love and connection for myself I was so happy for you both. Your happiness has given great comfort to your family.
I will always have a sister Priscilla, whose light will always shine. Groovy & out-there Priscilla, I have always admired your way of doing things.
You never stood still, you made things happen, you were a doer, a real life achiever. Priscilla, you will always be with me. I love you and I loved the way you lead your life. Forever and always our Honkies, our Priscilla.
Priscilla Hall is one of the brightest lights to ever shine in human form. I consider myself incredibly fortunate that for the past two and a half years, I have been blessed to be one of the people upon whom that light shined recently, and directly. While the whole world is a bit less bright without her, those of us that have been unconsciously relying on her to help light our lives are now operating in near darkness without her
The phenomenal response since Sunday, June 20th has reaffirmed what we all know: every life that Priscilla touched was enriched. People from far and wide, even those who knew her in passing or met her once or twice all talk about her vibrancy and vitality – no one she met escaped her warmth, her incredible ease and openness, her knack for making each human interaction a happy, memorable occasion.
Her thirst for life was difficult to quench. From her constant desire to learn and grow and experience new things, to her genuine interest and love of people, Priscilla just wanted to know more and be…more. The past couple of years in Jakarta provided so many of these opportunities for her – the vast numbers of people that she met from all over the map, both geographically and figuratively, the wide range of ‘firsts’ that she has achieved, the quality of time she spent with Stewart and Melanie and Daniel, Jasper to whom she was simply ‘La La’, and Macy who made her ‘clucky’ for the first time in her life…. Her spirit had no boundaries.
While many of us are provided with opportunities in our lives, what made Priscilla so extraordinary is that, not only did she take nearly every opportunity presented, and constantly try and generate new opportunities for herself, she also recognized each one as it occurred, and was appreciative and aware – unlike most of us she didn’t need hindsight. Every scuba diving trip, every champagne-style party, every afternoon lazing by the swimming pool, every moment spent with her niece and nephews, Priscilla would say “How lucky I am”.
With the loss of one of my kindred spirits, with the gap in my life that is yawning into a future that I was so sure she would be a part of, with the shock and disbelief and completely surreal quality that has taken hold since Sunday, the overwhelming sentiment in my heart is exactly that: HOW LUCKY I AM. When so many people love her so much, I am one of the truly fortunate ones. My memories of her are so fresh and real and good, and I want to capture some of these in perpetuity:
- I will never forget Priscilla on the hull of a boat that a group of us had chartered for a weekend to go diving. She was listening to Dido, with headphones on and her back to us all, and was COMPLETELY unaware that she was singing. Loudly. Fairly out of tune. Knowing very few of the actual words. Dancing away in true Priscilla style, mid-twirl she stopped, having no clue that she had been singing out loud, or why 9 people were staring at her in varying stages of amusement. The song ‘No Surrender’ by Dido will never be the same for me.
- A few weeks ago, Priscilla took part in a 41-hour fast. For anyone that knows her at all, giving up food for a couple of hours – let alone a couple of days – was not something she would put on her list as a desired activity. The fact that she knew she had access to some real money through Stewart and Melanie and their generous friends made the decision for her, and through her charm, her sometimes wily negotiating skills, and her determination that she not go hungry for nothing led her to be the highest ‘earner’ at the fast that raised about US$8,000 for an orphanage. My overriding memory of the weekend is her last meal before fasting. Having gone through an entrée, a rack of lamb and mashed potatoes, having ordered a warm chocolate pudding for dessert, having gone to the bakery to buy some biscuits to ‘tide her over’ until dessert arrived, having then devoured said chocolate pudding, Priscilla (with 2 minutes until the fast began) announced herself as ‘starving’, and had a real look of panic. We managed to reassure her that there was no way she could really be starving, and that she would be fine, but she was just so worried – being hungry was one of her least favourite.
- Once, when accused of behaving in very ‘blonde’ way, she replied: “I’m not blonde, I’m sweet” – a timeless Priscilla-ism
- There are so many more memories – I feel as though I could write forever. Not just the ‘occasion’ memories, but the every day ones too.
- Not only did she remember the names of every one she ever met, but if she actually had a conversation with you about anything, she remembered the details of that as well. So many times that I watched her ask after peoples’ children, family, recent holidays, recoveries from illnesses – the reaction from people being so touched and surprised that she cared enough to remember.
- Nothing she did was small or quiet. A series of whoops and squeals and screams and a near-constant stream of chatter accompanied any physical activity. Playing tennis, diving, dancing, sailing…
- Her love of her family and the importance that she placed them on her Life Priorities is something that I admire, respect and will try and live by for the rest of my life. Don, Frances, Stewart and Melanie and their children are the only members of her family that I know at all well, but the manner and frequency with which she spoke of Jamie, Andrew and Cameron, their wives, and all of her nephews, the photos that she had in her house, the eagerness with which she shared news and stories and history of the Hall clan, makes me appreciate the love and closeness that she felt for her family. While her family is so lucky to have known Priscilla for her whole life, I cannot comprehend the loss of her, and my heart goes out to each and every one of them – especially to Don and Frances who she was so very close to. Never has a daughter spoken so admiringly and lovingly of her parents – there is so much about them that she wanted to emulate, and used them as true role models for her life. Don was her rock of unconditional love and support, Frances was her pillar of strength, always ready to listen and counsel, always helping Priscilla with difficult decisions – both of them providing the foundation for the confident, beautiful, girl who was always so happy in her own skin.
Priscilla’s last days were happy ones. She was healthy and glowing – everyone who saw her commented on how well she looked. In her last few days she spent time with almost all her close friends in Jakarta, she attended her nephew’s graduation, she was bursting with pride at the completion of her first mini biathlon, she had a big night out with her brother Stewart in Bali, she reconciled her relationship with Will, who she loved so very much, she danced, she played tennis, she had a long lunch with her sister-in-law Melanie… While there would never be a right time to lose her, I couldn’t be surer that she was at peace with her world, and loving her Priscilla-style life.
While so many people have lost so much in her passing, Priscilla’s light shone so brightly that it will never go out. When you touch as many lives as she did, you become in many ways immortal. When we all catch ourselves trying to be that little bit warmer, that touch more open, when we find ourselves complementing each other on how nice we look today, when we overuse the words ‘stunning’ and ‘gorgeous’, when we reply ‘Fish’ to a question we don’t know the answer to, when we call our Mums and Dads just to tell them we love them, when we shove aside our fears and inhibitions and live our lives in a more free, exuberant way, we know that Priscilla’s light shines on.
With much love,
Tuesday, June 22nd, 2004
To Priscilla
I am sitting here listening to some music, with a beautiful picture of you staring right at me and I am struggling to know what to say to you. I simply cannot believe you are gone which makes it all the more difficult for me to talk to you. I imagine the phone will ring at any moment and your vibrant, cheery voice will say “Hey babe, it’s me”. I would then find a quiet spot in my house to talk with you. As you spoke of your latest journeys, stories, and activities I would begin to feel like I lived in a retirement village. But true to form, you would then ask me all about my life and the life of my family with great interest, purpose and enormous feeling.
I cannot believe I have known you for eighteen years – and as you said in a letter I found from you today, “gravity has not been kind to our bodies”. But alas, I have been looking at a photo of us on our third day of O-week at UNE and I have to say, we looked pretty good. A smile comes to my face when I recall this time – your wonderful personality and your cheeky laugh. I can see your head being thrown back and I can hear that fabulous giggle filling a room. While I would never put our first year experiences on paper, I can easily recall your laughter, general misbehavior and tremendous fun-loving personality. I remember when my father was trying to convince me to go to University he said, “If for nothing else, go to University as you will make life-long friends” – how grateful I now am for his wisdom at that time.
From that time on, our paths have continued to cross and how very thankful I am that they have. Your life took so many twists and turns I could hardly keep up. I can’t begin to put the order of your adventures in any chronological sequence so I decided not to try. What I do know is that you have remained a constant for me throughout this time no matter where you were or what you were doing. This varied from
- working or studying in Armidale, Canberra or Brisbane;
- travelling overseas in Malaysia, Thailand, New Zealand, Canada, Alaska, London, San Francisco, or Jakarta;
- strolling through Australia at Mooloolaba, Kakadu, Coffs Harbour, the Blue Mountains, or your favourite place, Glen Innes;
- experiencing the outdoor “stuff” as you put it – biking, rafting, horse riding, walking, diving;
- improving your capacity to tolerate the indoor stuff;
- trying your hand at street theater
- undertaking your photography;
- supporting one of your many worthwhile causes;
- or taking some well-deserved spiritual therapy – in the form of a massage or a manicure, burning some incense or lighting a few candles.
You have left many life lessons behind for me – all of which I will try to draw on for the remainder of my life:
- You were always with me during the most important moments of my life.
- You were one my two vibrant bridesmaids at our wedding in 1997. As always you were a pleasure to have around. You went out of your way to get to know both my family and Justin’s family in the lead up to the day and naturally, everyone loved you. You loved a party and this was no exception.
- You had me to stay with you and Adam in Canberra for two months when I returned from overseas with nowhere to live.
- You came to stay with Justin and I at Ronald McDonald House when our daughter was in the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne. The fact that this was two days before Christmas was of little consequence to you. You filled the sometimes rather gloomy Ronald McDonald House with humour and laughter, and many families remembered you fondly long after you’d left.
- You visited Canberra soon after the birth of our second daughter, Chloe, to make sure we were on track.
- And, when you weren’t with us in person, you would always send a postcard, an e-mail or give a call.
- Another lesson for me was your capacity to make all people you met feel important whether in business or in friendship.
- While you travelled extensively, you would always return regularly to Don and Frances, and to your community at Glen Innes. I could always hear the calm in your voice when you spoke of coming home. Don is your hero – you definitely shared a remarkable bond that is not always found between father and daughter. I remember when Don was having heart surgery in Brisbane and you rang me in tears to tell me you just couldn’t go into ICU as your greatest fear was to lose him. Like you, Don is a fighter, and you were blessed with many more special times together. Frances is your best friend – while in your 20s you underwent the typical issues mother and daughters’ experience, you developed a fabulous connection. You spoke of her regularly and you came to realise that there is no other love than that a mother has for her child. They will miss you terribly.
- While until today, I have not had the pleasure of meeting all of your brothers, you have spoken to me about them on many occasions. At different times in your life you had the opportunity to spend time with all of them. I know you loved Jamie, Stewart, Cameron and Andrew, together with their wives and their children.
- You realised the importance of family and were never afraid to express this
- I am sure there are many of us here today who feel we were Priscilla’s best friend – and I mean many hundreds of us.
- You could make all people that you met laugh – no matter what their age.
- You didn’t fear new situations or as said to me by a friend in an e-mail last week: “She seemed to me like the sort of person who differed from the rest of us in that she not only could do what ever she wanted, but she bloody well would do it!”
- You appreciated every moment whether good or bad.
- You continued to learn from everyone you met and everywhere you went.
- To be a true friend to you meant you wanted to know everything – you always took the whole package.
- If you didn’t like a situation or life experience you would simply start again somewhere else.
- I know this sometimes meant you would agonise over the next life-move and while you must have been followed many times by doubt and difficulties, you would not waver. You made all your decisions thoroughly and with thought but, once made, you did not go back. You made the most of where you were going, as well as where you had been – a quality which would surface repeatedly throughout your life.
- You went out of your way to experience what your friends had experienced in order to better understand what they might be going through.
- This was never more evident than when our first daughter, Georgia, died at 15 months of age. You were in Nepal when this occurred, but found your way to us soon after. You stayed with us for a few days where you insisted on watching footage of the funeral, as well as visiting Georgia’s grave. You listened, you showed that enormous compassion you always had, you made us laugh and you showered Justin and I with love. As usual, you were never afraid to ask the hard questions – particularly if you thought this might help.
The last time we saw each other was in December 2003. Priscilla flew to Canberra from Jakarta where she spent five days with us. As usual, she marched off the plane full of love and laughter – if our lives were quiet before that, it always changed the minute Priscilla arrived. A storm of energy had burst into our home – and we always loved every minute of her stay. She had only been with us five minutes when, having turned my back to make Priscilla her “real” cup of coffee, our daughter, Chloe, had painted toe-nails and finger-nails, was wearing jewellery around her ankles, and three pink bracelets on her arms. Our daughter is two years old. Chloe still fondly speaks of ‘Cilla. We spent the five days catching up yet again on Priscilla’s adventures, laughing constantly, discussing our great loves (including an introduction to Will), and telling each other how fabulous we both looked. Naturally, a little shopping was always part of Priscilla’s itinerary so I dropped her into Canberra city for ½ day, with her credit card, which ended in Christmas gifts for all her family. She left Canberra to fly home and once again, I had my much-needed annual fix of Priscilla.
The last time I spoke to Priscilla was on Friday, 18 June.
With the death of Priscilla, we have lost an outstanding citizen; a life that gave inspiration to countless people, both in Australia and around the world. Priscilla has left this world far too early, while at the height of her ability to live life to the full. She will be so very missed by all of us but most importantly, by her wonderful parents, her four brothers, their wives, as well as her niece and nephews. From personal experience, I implore you all to surround these people with your love today, and in the coming weeks, months and years. Do not be afraid to speak of Priscilla’s name and the love you had for her. Give the Hall family the love that Priscilla has given you
So to you Priscilla – Justin and I are forever grateful for your friendship – you made no judgement of me and you never wavered in your love. You’ve seen me at my best, my worst and many places in between but you stuck by me. That to me, is your best quality and it makes me love you even more. I only hope I returned ½ the friendship you have given to me
You said to me on your birthday this year, “Can you believe I am 35 and I am not famous yet”. The Australian Pocket Oxford Dictionary describes famous as “widely known”, “excellent”, “distinguished”, “remarkable”, “notable”. How wrong you were. You are famous in the eyes of all of us here today. You have left the world a far better place.
You gave me this candle when my daughter was dying which reads “Dear Georgia. This should help you sleep little one. Love Priscilla”. I now feel this is a good time to give to this you.
Memorial Candles
Mum &. Dad Hall lit a candle on 06/19/2013: “Priscilla , We are missing you more each year May be because as we become older we miss your smile & care .Love you”
Thomas Hall lit a candle on 06/20/2012: “I miss my dear aunty lots and lots even though she is not with us today we will remember her deep done in our hearts.”
Andrew & Cameron Hall lit a candle on 06/20/2012: “Today 8 years ago our lives changed forever. We miss Priscilla and are forever grateful that she was our sister.”
Abigail Parsons lit a candle on 06/20/2011: “Miss you now as much as ever my dear friend xxx”
Mum And Dad lit a candle on 06/19/2010: “6 years today since you left us & we think of you and miss you every day. Words cannot describe the loss & love we feel.”
Gaynor Pinn lit a candle on 04/24/2010: “So many years have gone but I never stop thinking about you. Miss you very much. Love Gaynor”
Dad &. Mum lit a candle on 04/14/2010: “Canberra , Your Birthday celebration was with your Dear UNE friends Sarah & Justin & children .. Also Lachlan & Ben..”
Sarah Morrison lit a candle on 02/14/2010: “Your parents here which is great. We talk of you and had a few laughs thanks to you – again. xxxx”
Abi Parsons lit a candle on 03/26/2007: “Missing you so much. You were a dear friend and are always in my thoughts.”
Celie Bird lit a candle on 09/12/2006: “Oh how I miss that wonderful laugh!! Thinking of you always and missing you very much. Love C”
Abi Parsons lit a candle on 06/20/2006: “Priscilla, can’t believe its been 2 years, miss you so much”
Sarah Morrison lit a candle on 06/20/2006: “2 yrs. Not a day has gone by without you somewhere in every day. Abi, Carl, Justin and I toasting you tonight. xx”
Sarah Morrison lit a candle on 04/12/2006: “Happy b’day tomorrow gorgeous. You are in our thoughts every day. With all our love. Sarah/Justin xx”
Noel Howard Hall lit a candle on 03/13/2006: “Priscilla what a beautiful and kind person you are. You are an example for all of us to follow. Rest in peace.”
Sarah Morrison lit a candle on 12/26/2005: “Merry Christmas beautiful girl. Loved shopping with you this time two years ago. Having a drink in your honour. xx”
Genevieve Geyle-Chick lit a candle on 11/21/2005: “We miss you every day. You really were a truly special soul.”
Fiona Gaven lit a candle on 11/18/2005: “Priscilla – you made my school days SO much fun! I’ll be thinking of you tonight at our 20 year reunion.”
Neroli Manning lit a candle on 11/17/2005: “20th year reunion is tomorrow. Thinking of you and I promise to have a glass (or 3) of bubbles in your memory!”
Neroli Manning lit a candle on 10/16/2005: “You were a treasured friend. A beautiful bridesmaid. You made me laugh!!! So very special. I will always miss you.”
Andrew & Kelly Hall lit a candle on 10/16/2005: “Priscilla we’re always thinking of you and miss you very much. Love always.”
Harriet Wright (McCathie) lit a candle on 10/13/2005: “I’m so glad to see this website and remember a very special person and friend from our school days at Kambala.
Di Chiene lit a candle on 09/29/2005: “Priscilla is a treasured & much loved friend to all who knew her from from her days at school at Kambala & beyond.”
Lachie Duff lit a candle on 09/14/2005: “Whilst you are sorely missed you are forever in my heart. The joy you brought to so many will never be forgotten.”
Sarah Morrison lit a candle on 09/04/2005: “We are determined to keep your memory alive because you created such fabulous memories. Missing you every single day.”
Beth Owen lit a candle on 08/26/2005: “We still think of you so often Priscilla, and miss you in our lives. Know that you are loved and remembered by so many.”
Eva Bates Charlotte’s Mom lit a candle on 08/21/2005: “I’m so sorry for the tragic passing of Priscilla. May her light shine on all those who loved her. God bless you all.”