Visit to See First PICU/HCU for Children With Cancer in Jakarta

Recently, YMCKK (Let’s Love the Children Charity) was able to visit the first Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) and High Care Unit (HCU) facility in Indonesia specifically for young cancer patients at Dharmais Hospital, Jakarta and see first hand the facility in use after the two and a half years Covid lockdown. PHMF, David Adams, and other donors who have partnered with YMCKK to raise funds and contribute to the purchasing of medical equipment for the facility also joined the visit. Pictured are representative from British Women Association, Jakarta; Dutch Werkgroep 72 Association; YMCKK and PHMF.

While in the PICU/HCU we met 6 months old baby River who has recently being diagnosed with Leukaemia and his mother, Linda. Baby River was in the HCU recovering from his surgery to insert a chemo port in preparation for his long chemotherapy treatment for the next 2 years. Pictured is David Adams handing a Wraps-with-Love blanket to mother, Linda. (PHMF receive Wraps-with-Love from the Glen Innes ladies who knit blankets, beanies and teddy-bears which they send to Jakarta).

Both PHMF and the British Women Association in Jakarta are organising fundraising events (PHMF Golf Tournament and BWA Charity Ball) to assist YMCKK purchase a portable bedside blood gas analyser to improve the facility at Dharmais Hospital.

We cannot thank PHMF enough for partnering with us at the start of the PICU/HCU facility and now for their willingness to support YMCKK as part of their annual golf-day fundraiser in December, 2022. It’s heart-breaking watching children battle with cancer and we are truly humbled by PHMF’s unwavering support and especially for believing in what we do in such a challenging situation. Thank You!