Priscilla Hall was tragically killed in a plane accident at Lake Lido, 65kms south of Jakarta on June 20th, 2004.
Having lived the last two years of her life in Jakarta, Priscilla’s lifelong affinity for people extended into a great interest in assisting disadvantaged children.
In light of this, Priscilla’s family and friends have established the Priscilla Hall Memorial Foundation, a not-for-profit, charitable fund that aims to help underprivileged children of Indonesia.
Esti Bakti suffers greatly from flooding and the playground has been under water for several years now, so a chance for the kids to get out and have fun was so important. This…
A big thank you to all our wonderful sponsors of the 2013 Golf Day – what a success it was, we look forward to doing it all again in 2014.
It is nice to visit a project some time after its completion .. We would like to share the photos of the visit with you . It is interesting to read the initial report…
The Foundation was able to respond to a request to sponsor airfares to transport three children and their parent to hospital . We would like to share with you some details of this Yayasan…
In December Don Hall had the opportunity of visiting Cipanas to meet with YUM Chair-Person Olvia Reksodipoetro to tour the centre . The following report was received and again highlights the IMPORTANCE of the centre…
At the YUM Cipanas Campus a library has been developed over a number years .A popular & important learning centre for all ages in particular the younger children. Volunteer Kenichi Mochida who came from Japan has…