Celebrating “Read to Me!” Day at Dharmais Hospital, Jakarta
Priscilla Hall was tragically killed in a plane accident at Lake Lido, 65kms south of Jakarta on June 20th, 2004.
Having lived the last two years of her life in Jakarta, Priscilla’s lifelong affinity for people extended into a great interest in assisting disadvantaged children.
In light of this, Priscilla’s family and friends have established the Priscilla Hall Memorial Foundation, a not-for-profit, charitable fund that aims to help underprivileged children of Indonesia.
Sadly Dharmais hospital in Jakarta went on lockdown recently due to COVID-19. Only patients and parents are allowed to enter. However before the lockdown Yayasan Mari Cintai Kanak Kanak volunteer, Mrs Tini, celebrated…
The female area is a sensitive and vital part for every woman. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to cleanliness in this intimate area. Poor hygiene area of women, will trigger various…
On March 5, 2020, the Foundation for Mother and Child Health (FMCH) Indonesia distributed 48 packages of Environmentally Friendly Sanitary Napkins from Days for Girls (DfG) to Posyandu mothers in Lanu Village. In…
CLICK MORE TO READ OUR POST IN BAHASA INDONESINA. The Priscilla Hall Memorial Foundation and The Rotary Club of Glen Innes NSW on…
The Australia & New Zealand (ANZA) Social Welfare Committee was visited by Don Hall last month and he heard how the students at MKGR Elementary School needed pianikas for their music learning program…
On the 1st of January Jakarta experienced torrential rain which resulted in widespread flooding in the city. Rawinala was flooded by about 75 cm of water which came up from the drains. Rawinala…