Days for Girls in Kobekaka High School, West Timor, Indonesia

FMCH Indonesia’s DfG activity at Kobekaka Junior High School had already been orgainsed with the principal back in January 2021. However, the activity could take place because of COVID-19 restriction in the village permission was only recently granted to hold the activity in Tuesday, 11 May 2021.

Kobekaka High School was chosen due to the fact that majority of the students and teachers is woman with total of them was 75 (students= 68 and teachers = 7). The access of water point from the location is approximately 15 – 20 minutes with sufficient water availability only during the rainy season. The access to get the sanitary napkins is usually from village market which is held just once a week. Each woman usually used 2 – 3 package sanitary napkin every month with one package of sanitary napkin so their expenditure to buy sanitary napkins approximately Rp 10,000 – 15,000. However the main problem is that there is no public transportation to the market, and it costs Rp 50,000 – 75,000 to rent motorcycle with difficult and damaged road conditions. The school has rarely received reproductive health education from Puskesmas and only got blood tablets.

The activity was hold in the Kobekaka middle school hall at 9 AM to 11 AM. Total of participant in this activity was 60 people that included headmaster, teachers, and students of Kobekaka Middle School. The activity not only about reproductive health education but also Days for Girl kits utilization and practice together with all participant.

Untum J. Banamtuan as headmaster of kobekaka middle school said

We are very thankful that FMCH Indonesia has visited our school that had difficult road condition. In addition, we also appreciated that FMCH Indonesia give our girls education about reproductive health and also distribute DFG kits that very useful especially for women in here.