YUM-VTC Slowly Reopens to Youth in Cipanas

After being closed for more than a year, the YUM-VTC in Cipanas is slowly reopening its classes.

We started to promote the classes in April and by the end of May, we had 30 students signed up for the computer class. The session will run with strict Covid-19 prevention protocols. Every student, tutor, and VTC staff will have their body temperature checked, wash their hands, keep their distance among each other and wear their masks during the sessions.

One of our students, Yuliasari, told us why she thinks operating a computer is important:

I graduated from high school last year and now I am looking for a job. However I am not able to use a computer. Therefore, when the YUM VTC reopened its Computer class, I signed up right away. I hope that by the end of the course, I will be able to use a computer in a professional setting. Nowadays, all of the office workers are using computers and the internet. This skill will broaden my chances of getting a job.

For more than 15 months now, schoolchildren have been forced to study from home. For those living in rural areas, without laptops and with poor internet connection, a huge learning loss is currently taking place. Our hope in reopening the YUM-VTC is to help the youth in the area to gain important skills so that they have a better chance at employment with a decent salary, rather than becoming unemployed or a daily worker. Thanks to Priscilla Hall Memorial Foundation’s support and trust in us, we hope to help as many as we can while continuing to observe health protocols.