Computer Class 2....

Project Implementation: Before the start of this term, YUM delivered letters to 14 local schools asking permission to give a presentation to the students about the value of participating in our PHMF VTC courses. These presentations succeeded in communicating the importance of gaining the vocational skills essential to improving their economic prosperity in the future. While a large amount of interest was generated, concerns about keeping up with school commitments were expressed. In response to this feedback, YUM has provided additional support to facilitate learning by organizing weekend classes. A week before the beginning of term, tutors and students attended an orientation to outline the structure of the course, as well as expectations and the value in meeting them. Personalized schedules were arranged to ensure maximum attendance.Enrolments were 17 Computer for Children, 15 Computer Basic 1  15, Computer Basic 2  18  .   The courses had 11 students graduate from each course .