PHMF support VTC students to pursue their career goal

20170221-vtc1The PHMF VTC Cipanas has been benefiting from the experience of Ms Lyn Everingham, a volunteer from Australia who has a background in psychosocial, vocational, and enterprise mentoring. Ms Lyn has been using her skills to improve the support given to students of the VTC in successfully finding work after they complete their VTC courses. Ms Lyn helped to develop the successful Job Seeking Skills workshops held last term, and added an interactive session between the keynote speaker and the participants.

She has also contributed a lot to the development of YUM human resources, organising a workshop with the tutors to improve the quality of teaching, making classes more enjoyable and interactive for the students and the teachers.

This term, using her professional mentoring skills, she has been helping students to determine their values and career aspirations and what careers will suit their personalities. She has helped students to determine realistic and fulfilling career goals, so that they can figure out early on what education and training pathways lead to the job they want. Thanks to the support of PHMF, students at the YUM Cipanas VTC now have the opportunity to pursue the career goals that they discover while working with Ms Lyn on what classes will be most suitable to them. We are so thankful that students are able to take the next steps towards achieving their goals by improving their skills at the VTC.