Now, I can make a simple financial report using Excel!

In January, the VTC Computer students finished their 3 months course.  During the last session before their final exam, the tutor, Mr. Ryan, ran a remedial session for the students. This session focused on revising the course content and ensuring that the students are properly equipped to sit their final exam.

The students continually showed enthusiasm from the first to the last session. The interactions between the students went smoothly as many of the students did not come from the same schools.  Often, the main reason for a student’s absence was due to bad weather however, a number of students made it to the class regardless. 

Below is Peniah’s story about her computer class with Mr. Ryan:

“I enrolled in this course because I want to be able to operate a computer at work.   The biggest challenge is learning about Microsoft Excel.  Now, I can make one simple financial report, which I believe will benefit me to get a job in the future. Thank you very much for PHMF and YUM for this opportunity, I can learn how to operate a computer with a good teacher and facility at a very low cost.”

At the end of the course, all of these students graduated their course and were granted satisfactory grades on their certificate.