It’s good to see the difference the Vocational Training Centre makes.

Asep is a high school student who is enrolled in the Intermediate Computer Class at PHMF- YUM VTC Cipanas. This is the second term for him, as he enrolled in the Basic Computer Class last semester. At his high school, he also took on Computer Science as a school subject, but he had to share the computer with 4 other students. With such a great number of students in class at one time and only one teacher, the students had limited opportunities to understand the subject.  

“I am very fortunate in having the opportunity to enroll in the computer class at YUM VTC. The tutors are very kind and patient. They are willing to repeat the lesson if the students do not yet understand. The room is very clean and the computers are in good condition.  The schedule is very flexible too. The tutors are willing to adjust the time with our school schedule.” Asep, High School student

Nana is a drop out student; she has received no formal education since primary school. She recently enrolled in the sewing class at PHMF-YUM VTC in Cipanas. After finishing her course, she wants to work in the garment industry in the city nearby. She learned how to make patterns, cut fabric, operate sewing machines, and other necessary skills. Now she is already able to make children’s clothes.

“I want to be able to support my family financially. As the 7th child from 9 siblings, I feel responsible for my younger sisters. It is normal in my village that the older children take care the younger. I wish I could soon get a job after finishing my course at VTC.” Nana, unemployed

Thanks to the generous support of the Priscilla Hall Memorial Foundation, YUM can open the Computer and Sewing classes for youths like Asep and Nana in Cipanas. By employing qualified tutors and providing the proper number of computers and sewing machines to run the project, YUM hopes to equip youths with the necessary skills in order for them to find stable and decent employment.