RAWCS Indonesia
The Glen Innes Rotary Club supports the Foundation. Glen Innes is the home town of the Hall Family. Don Hall has been a Rotary Member since 1965. Don was able to visit the House of Friendship at the Conference to call at the stands that support the Priscilla Hall Foundation. DAYS for GIRLS. I had…
Days for Girls kits Distribution in Kualeu Village, South Amanatun, West Timor
In a joint effort to empower young girls and women in Indonesia, the Foundation for Mother & Child Health (FMCH) teamed up with the Priscilla Hall Memorial Foundation (PHMF) to implement the Days for Girls program. This initiative aimed to enhance knowledge on reproductive health and provide access to eco-friendly sanitary pads through the distribution…
Indonesia is a Country of Hugh CONTRASTS
The Foundation recently received this report from Harapan Project Unfortunately, Indonesia is a country of huge contrasts, depending on the province where we are located. This contrast can be seen not only in the economy of the local population but also in the fields of education and health care. Indonesia is divided in provinces, with…
STUNTING Kader Training and the Power of Posyandu
in StuntingWe were pleased to see this TV Report on the Indonesian Problem in relation to Stunting . It shows that the Government is supportive to address the problem. The Foundation is in contact with selected Yayasans to introduce the project to their staff. Unfortunately due to Corona Virus progress has been delayed except for YUM…
HARAPAN SUMBAWA : Emergency assistance Program Floods Hu’u 2021
Harapan Sumbawa Project On the 28th February 2021 and the 9th March 2021, the district of Hu´u SUMBAWA suffered terrible floods provoking severe damages in the houses and belongings of the families. The villages whom suffered the most severe damages were the villages of Daha, Marada and Rasabou, with the following data: 1.- Village of…
The FOUNDATION recently requested information on the Corona situation in SUMBA. As we come to the end of the year we were wondering if your location is in A Red corona area? Yes, currently our district is in the red zone. There has even been an increase in the number of people who are positive…