Days for Girls
The Glen Innes Rotary Club supports the Foundation. Glen Innes is the home town of the Hall Family. Don Hall has been a Rotary Member since 1965. Don was able to visit the House of Friendship at the Conference to call at the stands that support the Priscilla Hall Foundation. DAYS for GIRLS. I had…
Health Education and Distribution of Reusable Sanitary Pads (DfG Kits) in Sunu Viillage, West Timor
Sunu is one of the villages in the South Amanatun sub-district which has an area of 8.29 km2 with hilly topography. This area is located at an altitude of approximately 823 meters above sea level, with cool air in the daytime and cold at night. The distance from Sunu Village to the sub-district capital (Oinlasi)…
Sanitary Pad Distribution and Reproductive Health Education for Adolescent Girls in Nifukani Rural Area of West Timor
Even though menstruation is a natural and healthy process for adolescent girls and women of reproductive age, the level of openness to discuss about menstruation is low in Indonesia. In some areas, the social perception regarding menstruation in is still considered a taboo. In addition, there is a significant gap on the menstrual health management…
Ending Violence Against Women and Girls through Menstrual Health Management Education in Oinlasi Village, West Timor.
The number of sexual violence against children and women in Timor Tengah Selatan Regency is increasing compared to the previous year (2019), by 49 percent in 2020. One of the areas in Timor Tengah Selatan Regency that needs attention is Oinlasi Village where cases of abortion, child abuse, and cases of violence against women still…
Distributing of Menstrual Kits for Women in West Timor’s Remote Village: Bikekneno
One of the rural areas of West Timor located in remote area is Bikekneno Village. In rural areas, girls and women have limited access to sanitary products due to lack of the menstrual kits. When the rainy season in the village comes, it is more difficult for girls and women to access menstrual pads for…
Day for Girls in Timor Leste Refugee Camp in Nulle Village, West Timor, Indonesia
On the 4th and 12th June 2021, Day for Girls hosted events in the refugee tent of Timor Leste in Nulle Village. The activity started with education about adolescent reproductive health and sexually transmitted disease aimed at improving awareness of the importance of maintaining reproductive health for girls and reproductive women in refugee tent. The…