1000 Days

  • 1000 Days Fund Testing QR Codes to Track & Trace PHMF Smart Charts

    Smart charts are a key tool for stunting education and prevention. Installed in the homes of pregnant women and women with children under 2, the smart charts serve as a colorful, daily reminder to make better decisions regarding the health and well being of your child. Inspired by a Gates Foundation study in Zambia, which…

  • STUNTING Kader Training and the Power of Posyandu

    We were pleased to see this TV Report on the Indonesian Problem in relation to Stunting . It shows that the Government is supportive to address the problem.  The Foundation is in contact with selected Yayasans to introduce the project to their staff. Unfortunately due to Corona Virus progress has been delayed except for YUM…

  • PHMF Steps Up to Fund 5,000 Smart Charts to Fight Stunting

    PHMF Steps Up to Fund 5,000 Smart Charts to Fight Stunting

    Childhood stunting has recently garnered national attention, with President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo elevating the issue to a national priority, and targeting a drop in stunting prevalence to 14% by 2024. More than 9 million children under 5 are stunted, and 54% of Indonesia’s workforce is stunted. Stunting is the impaired growth and development a child…