Yayasan Rumah Kasih Karunia – The House of Grace – Employment Training Ready to Go

At the heart of RKK’s mission is the restoration and reintegration of sexually exploited women. To enable this to happen smoothly and purposefully, we have leased a ruko (small business premise) close to the House of Grace residence. 

In this venue we provide counselling, job training, employment skills and gainful employment. The commercial activity presently in operation is the promotion, collection, sorting/cleaning, and retailing via online platforms of quality donated items. This is providing a small but growing revenue stream and provides a real-life work environment for our House of Grace residents.

We have canvased community groups, schools, churches and like-minded organisations to donate their used items for resale. Many have been receptive to this and alerted their members to this wonderful opportunity – one person’s junk is another person’s life-changing treasure!

With this article you can see the logo of our on-the-job training business, ‘re.store’. 

With the funding from PHMF, Asean Golf Tournament, community members and the re.store revenue, we are delighted that our first residents begin their reintegration programme on March 1st 2017!

Without the support of the Priscilla Hall Memorial Foundation, we could not have secured the residence where we are providing a safe house and secure home for the survivors of sexual exploitation.