Darius Kondo waktu dtg di Karitas (4) The  Yayasan Harapan Sumba  and the Foundation have been assisting Darius from a REMOTE area of the Island of Sumba Indonesia . His storey first appeared in our Newsletter of August 2014 .This is a recent report:  As you I’m sure remember, we thought that little Darius would need an operation to straighten his slightly club-foot.  That didn’t happen because first of all, he had terrible scabies when he finally went to the hospital, and had to be rid of that first.  Then, when this was cleared and he was examined again, which was several months later, the Director of the hospital decided that an operation wasn’t needed, as the deformity was correcting itself somewhat as he grew.   I don’t know how much this was encouraged by the fact that the parents didn’t want their son operated on.  But our doctor, Monique, does agree with him, and so our intervention essentially amounted to helping the family understand about cleanliness and how to get rid of and prevent, scabies.  

Since the family speak no Indonesian and are about half a day’s journey from us, we can only visit occasionally, but on a visit about 6 weeks ago, he was growing well, was free of scabies and the foot was looking pretty good.  We will continue to visit as we can.