BuzTHE FOUNDATION has been partnered with FPS since December 2013 to assist in bringing their program to INDONESIA . Here is their story :  Following the visit of a Burnie-based agricultural scientist, Bruce French, to Devonport North Rotary Club on the topic ‘Feeding a Hungry World’ on November 3rd, 2005, the ‘Food Plant Solutions’ project was launched. Bruce was concerned that, in the foreseeable future, people would starve to death in the impoverished developing world countries.

 Having worked for international food aid providers, Bruce understood that indigenous knowledge of local food plants was being lost. He also understood that indigenous people rarely have a clear understanding of the nutritional content of their own food plants. This inspired Bruce with a vision and he set out to produce a database of edible plants, which were indigenous or well adapted to those countries.

 More than thirty years later Bruce has compiled a database of more than 26,600 plants, which can, with the support of indigenous people and aid providers in those countries, provide food for the most poverty stricken. 

 It is clear that current approaches to food security and malnutrition are not working. There are at least one billion people, who go to bed hungry each day, and this number is increasing. Front line agriculturalists are again focusing on the underutilized or forgotten food plants of the world. Forgotten food plants that grow and thrive naturally where they are best adapted are increasingly being highlighted by nutritionists for their food value. Food Plant Solutions is very firmly placed at the centre of this platform.

 In 2011, the Board of Rotary International gave official recognition to Food Plant Solutions as a Rotarian Action Group (FPSRAG), which was established to support the project.


 The mission of Food Plant Solutions is to provide guidance, resources, information and technical support to international food aid providers so they can assist people in developing countries to better understand the value of local food plants as a solution to chronic health problems and food security. The database is now being used to identify locally adapted food plants with the highest levels of nutrients that are missing from the diet and giving rise to malnutrition and other serious health problems, such as blindness, intellectual disabilities, anaemia and impaired growth.

 We aim to utilize the international network of Rotary to extend the message to Rotarians and Rotary Districts involved with aid programs throughout the developing world.  This is not exclusive to Rotary and ultimately we aim to work with all aid providers whether international, governments or NGOs.

 Food Plant Solutions is helping empower local people to make greater use of traditional plant foods through better understanding of their real value. It is a self-sustainable solution to hunger and malnutrition.

 We do not charge any fees for the information we provide to countries or programs requiring our support because we do not want the cost of advice and information to be a barrier to adoption for those in need that have no money.