The Foundation was able to respond to a request to sponsor airfares to transport three children and their parent to hospital . We would like to share with you some details of this Yayasan to see why we were pleased to assist with funding . Yayasan Harapan Sumba (YHS) works with West Sumba’s poorest people to improve access to fresh water, sanitation, nutritious foods, basic health care and education.
There are thousands of disabled children in Sumba whose condition has never been evaluated, and who receive no therapy or operation to alleviate their disability. Many cannot use their arms or legs because of either cerebral palsy, childhood stroke, or, still very often, they were given an injection when they had a fever, causing them to lose the use of their limbs. Many are deaf/mute, and many are blind .
Nearly all disabled children never go to school but are kept at home by their parents who have no idea what to do for them.