Update from Cara McInerney Rumah Sehat

cara-intensive-squareHello Everyone,

I hope you are doing well. School has started at Rumah Sehat and the students have been working hard for a month now learning English with myself, Linda and Ping, and using the fantastic computer resources you donated with Putu. We have 38 students currently studying at Rumah Sehat. We have two groups who are in their last semester of high school and study in the morning before they go to school in the afternoon, and one group who are studying so they can get jobs in hotels and restaurants next year.

Thank you all for your support in this project so far. The students are keen to begin emailing you, so you can get to know each other better. We currently do not have enough email addresses for penpals for all 38 students, so Yass students have been assigned 2-3 students. If you know of anyone else (from school, or friends/family) who would like to email our students, please let us know. It is an excellent way to learn about another culture, and see the similarities we also have. We currently only have the Yass email address for this purpose, if some of your students would like to use their personal emails, please let us know. We will use class time to send one email every three weeks. Some students may wish to email you more often. Many of them also use facebook, FB messenger and instagram, if you would like to communicate this way and see some photos. 

Please let us know now if you do not wish to be part of the penpal email program at Rumah Sehat, so we can assign your students to someone else. The students will be sending an email every 3 weeks for the next 6 months as part of their course.

I have attached some photos of our great students. They will begin emailing you this week.

Thank you,

Cara McInerney
English Teacher (temporary)