Rawinala Flood Recovery

On the 1st of January Jakarta experienced torrential rain which resulted in widespread flooding in the city. Rawinala was flooded by about 75 cm of water which came up from the drains. Rawinala is a school for pupils who are blind and have multiple disabilities. Fortunately most of the boarders were at home for the holidays, and the two who were there were evacuated to an adult facillity nearby. The school lost a lot of its resources and books, along with its wooden furniture and pumps.

ANZA contributed IDR 5,000,000 towards new metal cupboards for the dormitories. Priscilla Hall Memorial Fund contributed IDR 50,000,000 towards a new water pump for the school, 8 new metal beds and mattresses and foodstuffs like rice and sugar which were lost in the flooding.

Rawinala is extremely grateful for the support of donors such as PHMF who have enabled the school to continue to provide a valuable service and a high standard of education to its pupils.