pPlease read this field report from David a PHMF Volunteer that has lead to this project now being in operation . “One of the projects which ANZA has been supporting for several years is the Sayap Ibu home for doubly disabled (mentally and physically) children at Bintaro.  They have 30 kids who live in and help another 200+ who live with their parents.  This is an amazing place that has no government funding run by a very dedicated team and brings everybody that visits to tears.  2 years ago they had a pool put in for hydrotherapy but because it is too cold (27 degrees but they need 33) and the kids have no muscle mass they cannot stand it for very long so a fantastic asset is woefully under-utilised.  They have recently put a physiotherapist on staff so there is more potential usage and help to the outside kids.

While the preference was for solar, for various reasons this was not available here.  I met with a Thiess manager several months ago and finally with Thiess technical help we have a gas heater solution which will cost Rp95m.  Thiess will contribute Rp50m, ANZA Rp20m   and PHMF the balance of Rp25m.  Sayap Ibu will fund the monthly operating costs.” The PHMF is proud that they were able to combine with ANZA & Thiess on such a project that ” MAKES A DIFFERENCE TO UNDER PRIVILAGED INDONESIAN CHILDREN “