As the newly appointed medical sponsorship co-ordinator I would like to update you all on the current position of this very worthwhile project. Unfortunately our partner Yayasan “Citra Baru” ( translated means ‘new image’ ) has lost the support of the hospital that provided the heavily subsidized facility where these life changing operations were performed.
Citra Baru remain committed to helping the very poorest of Indonesian families who are unable to fund these operations. These families generally reside in remote villages & live on a very meager , irregular income which is barely sufficient to feed themselves.
Currently Citra Baru has the support of another hospital but at an increased cost to them which has resulted in the cost of operations & hence the costs to our generous donors increasing to Rp 5,000,000. The doctors perform the operations at no cost & of course Citra Baru work at no cost to either the patients or ANZA Public Relations Officer Ibu Ati Purba from Citra Baru informs me that they are trying to establish a new relationship with several Jakarta hospital’s with a view to reducing the cost & negotiations are ongoing.
Anza has also had to look further afield to secure the help & funding of some major sponsors who have in the past funded the cost of the more difficult cases which require several follow up operations to fully correct their cranio-facial deformities. It is a sign of the times that we must face as the precarious state of the world economy has resulted in a few of our long term major sponsors withdrawing their financial help.
Anza remains committed to this wonderful project & even though times are tough we have been able to secure 10 individual sponsors for our popular Xmas tree appeal of December 2011. Those patients have had their operations completed & I am in the process of forwarding the before & after photo’s with certificate s of appreciation to our generous sponsors as i write this update. We have just received 8 new patient lists from Citra Baru & I am hopeful of finding sponsors for them in the near future.
The question of funding the all important follow up operations is our major concern at present so if there are any organizations that could help us in this regard we would be most grateful.
I would also like to acknowledge the very generous & long term support that we have received from the remarkable Priscilla Hall Memorial Foundation & look forward to continuing our partnership with Don & Frances Hall long into the future.
‘ Tthe gift of a smile that lasts forever’
Yours in social welfare