DSCN6118The Foundation places importance on ensuring a visit is made to  new  Projects. Don Hall from Australia has spent two days with Ray & Sue Bishop who head up the Rotary Hope Island RAWCS program for Rumah Sehat who operate a Dental & Medical Clinic .We see a difference in that the Clinic is prepared to make a once  week visit to a local village. Going to the people makes such a difference in Health Care here in Bali. This area is the poorest in Bali . Also it is a surprise how dry it is compared with other parts that are so green. No rice is grown in this area .

Under the Guidance of the Bishops who live permanently in Bali the Priscilla Hall Foundation has a new partner who are passionate to assist  under privileged Bali families. We share photos from this visit taken at the Clinic . We will be doing  another newsletter  in regard to  The Priscilla Education Centre currently being built.  We referred to this new project in our newsletter dated the  18Th October 2015.  




