A Life Changing Surgery

Wahyudin & his mom, after the 1st surgery
Wahyudin & his mom, after the 1st surgery

Priscilla Hall Memorial Foundation (PHMF) was given the opportunity to be part of a life changing surgery in early December 2009.

Wahyudin is an 8 year old boy from Tegal, Central Java.  His father is a labourer with a very low income.  Wahyudin was born with a severe facial clef. His mom said, Wahyudin had never went to school because the headmasters in schools near her home think Wahyudin must attend special school. Wahyudin’s mom thinks that was unfair as she believe Wahyudin will have no problem studying like any other normal children despite his facial clef. “Beside, such special school will be much more expensive even if the distance is as not as far as now,” added her.

A new hope risen for Wahyudin, including to attend normal school like any other children in his neighborhood. With a collaboration from Yayasan Citra Baru, Australia New Zealand Association and PHMF, he has recently had his first operation to repair the bi-lateral clef. Another follow-up surgery for Wahyudin will be required in November 2010. By the time we meet Wahyudin again in November, we hope he will bring us stories from his school and his new friends. Good luck, dear boy!