New Computers for PHMF Vocational Training Centre


  In December Don Hall had the opportunity of visiting Cipanas to meet with YUM Chair-Person   Olvia  Reksodipoetro to tour the centre . The following report was received and again highlights the IMPORTANCE of the centre .  

One of the favorite trainings among students is Computer Skills, as they realize how important it is in this technological era. Due to our computer class capacity limitations, the computer class now has 3 groups on a waiting list – around 45 additional participants, because the maximum capacity of our VTC computer classes for each term is only around 90 participants or 15 participants for each class/group and 6 computer classes/groups per term.

The other reason why the computer training is now more in demand than before is due to a current government policy which eliminates Computer Lessons from Elementary and Junior High Schools. Now, the Elementary and Jr. High School students have to look for courses outside their school if they want to learn English and computer. Being aware of this situation, the  VTC wished to help these students by adding more computers to accommodate more students.

Fortunately in October 2013, the Priscilla Hall Memorial Foundation (PHMF) – the VTC’s main donor – has agreed to add 5 new computers and upgrade 4 existing computers for the VTC and also in the YUM children’s library. After some process, new computers and equipment such as chairs, tables were purchased to complete these facilities. Luckily, we have 2 internship students from a Technical Vocational School in Cipanas and Pak Deden our Computer Tutor, who helped our VTC Administrator – Andi – to install the computers for the new term in January 2014.

Thanks to the new computers, in next term we will be able to accommodate 20 students in each class compared to 15 students during previous terms. The library can also attract more visitors because children can now learn how to use the upgraded computer. Every Tuesday, assisted by the YUM Pre School teacher, Ibu Vera, we teach children to learn how to use the computer, and how to use Microsoft Word. We want them to become familiar with computer technology, a very necessary skill nowadays.

Many thanks to PHMF who have helped us improve our services to the Cipanas community. Hopefully, together with PHMF, the Cipanas YUM Village can continue to help community members increase their quality of life.

Computer Class SAM_1266 Set Up Monitor Set up