Jakarta Flood

Committee member David  participated in an emergency food drop to the Esti Bakti School with ANZA last week  after their road finally became passable. The PHMF helped this school (located on the way to the airport) several years ago in raising their playground (now well and truly under) and I visited them last year when they were looking for a solution to their perennial flooding problem. They also feed 180 kids each day. Last weeks floods was their worst ever and all the buildings were 90cm under. Ibu Novi one of the heads lives at the back and lost all of her families bedding amongst others. Whilst some of their storage is elevated, none is anywhere near the levels achieved.  Despite moving what they could, they have lost hundreds of books, many only just received, all the high school desks with particle board tops are completely rotten, and they have no idea yet about the 5 of 12 computers that were working pre flood.  Not surprisingly the whole place stinks to high hell and the kids today were bailing out classrooms or fishing in the garden.  We need to make a major donation to get them back on their feet include industrial fogging equipment post drainage. I will have to send photos later. A TV crew was filming this morning, but last time I visited they had received some significant press but which did not yield a single Rupiah in help.