FMCH Indonesia has again conducted education related to health rights especially for women through the Days for Girls program together with the Priscilla Hall Memorial Foundation. This time, the participants were girls students of Ayofanu Middle School and Vocational School, Kie District, Timur Tengah Selatan Regency, East Nusa Tenggara. A total of 53 girls and female teachers who were enthusiastic in participating in the Days for Girls training on February 15, 2019. The training facilitated by FMCH Indonesia teaches about reproductive health, menstruation, gender equality, and women trafficking which mostly occurred in the NTT region.

After the training, they were invited to discuss in groups and individually their experiences in menstruation. They were very enthusiastic about telling funny and shy experiences of when they first started menstruation. Many of the girls still go to school even during menstruation, but they limit themselves to being active in school for fear that menstrual blood will stain their skirts.

At the end of the training, FMCH Indonesia distributed washable pad kits to participants. So, Girl ! Keep Precious and Be Active!!!

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