Regular Projects
Yayasan Rumah Kasih Karunia – The House of Grace – Employment Training Ready to Go
At the heart of RKK’s mission is the restoration and reintegration of sexually exploited women. To enable this to happen smoothly and purposefully, we have leased a ruko (small business premise) close to the House of Grace residence. In this venue we provide counselling, job training, employment skills and gainful employment. The commercial activity presently in…
Rumah Sehat students visit Lempuyang Temple – written by students
On Sunday the 18th of December 2016 all the students from Rumah Sehat travelled by motor bike to visit Lempuyang Temple. It was a beautiful cloudy day but it was also very hot. On the drive I saw a spectacular view of mountains and beautiful green trees. The drive was steep and the roads were…
Update from Cara McInerney Rumah Sehat
Hello Everyone, I hope you are doing well. School has started at Rumah Sehat and the students have been working hard for a month now learning English with myself, Linda and Ping, and using the fantastic computer resources you donated with Putu. We have 38 students currently studying at Rumah Sehat. We have two groups…
House of Grace in Jakarta Renovations Nearing Completion
The House of Grace in Jakarta has been wonderfully supported by the Priscilla Hall Memorial Foundation and it is nearing completion with renovations in full swing! As the images show, internal renovations have neared completion, furniture is being assembled and living quarters set up. The mission of the House of Grace is to restore and…
Rumah Sehat English Academic & Computer Course
In August 2015 The Priscilla Hall Foundation had found an excellent location to establish a Vocational Training Centre in Bali at a existing Rotary Australia World Community Service project at Rumah Sehat . We would like to introduce to you one of our teachers I Wayan Putu Eka Riavana. I Wayan Putu Eka Riayana is…
Each year, between 40,000 to 70,000 people are human trafficked in Indonesia, with the majority ending up in sexual exploitation and forced prostitution. The average age is 12-14 years old when girls enter the sex industry and are sold for as little as 50,000 rupiah (approx$5). In response to this problem, the House of Grace…